First of all - don't worry if your house is a mess, I'm not coming to judge. I'll need to photograph baby where there is ample light. I will move whatever I need to for your photos, and put it back when I'm finished - no worries! If needed, I can provide studio lighting. Again, no worries!
Most importantly, you'll need to have your house warm. Set your thermostat to 80 degrees before I arrive. Everyone but baby should be sweating during the session to ensure baby is comfortable, and sleepy!
Try to feed baby just as I arrive to set up, to help him or her sleep. I know the feeding scheduled during the first few days can be crazy, so we'll stop whenever baby needs to eat.
If you have other children, namely toddlers, try to schedule your session around nap time, or let them spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa! If they are to be photographed with the new baby, it's best to bring them in at the end of the session.
For the most part, baby will be photographed with no diaper. Your baby might have an accident or two during the session. It's okay! It's happened before, and I'll be prepared. I'll clean up, and we'll continue with your photos. I provide my own clean up towels and baby wipes, but you're welcome to have your own on hand.
Have any special items ready that you want your baby photographed with. Keep outfits simple, though, like onesies. Full outfits, and multiple changes can be overwhelming for baby. If you don't have anything in mind, I'll have plenty of props to choose from.
If you plan on being in photos with baby, wear what you're comfortable in. Try to keep your clothing simple. Most new moms choose to wear black, but it's up to you! If dad will be joining, have him wear something that coordinates with you. Again, keep the colors plain, and the patterns simple to none.
If you don't want to be in the photos, have a black or white shirt ready anyway - I may need to borrow your arms!
Sometimes babies are fussy when they can smell mom nearby. There may be times that I ask you to take a few steps back, so I can calm and pose baby.
I know it can seem hectic, and feel like a hard time to have a photo session in your home,
but trust me, a few hours of craziness will be totally worth the timeless memories you'll have
of your new baby.